Gratitude is a virtue that not only elevates relationships but also attracts blessings. Ungratefulness, on the other hand, is a destiny killer who repels favour. Even God detests ingratitude and commands us to give thanks in all things, as it reflects humility and appreciation. Those who show gratitude open doors for more blessings, while those who lack it shut those doors and risk alienating their helpers.
Victor Osimhen, a football star whose rise to success was marked by hard work and perseverance, shared a profound experience about the power of gratitude. He said:
“I used to send money to one of my childhood friends, but one day, he told me about a business he wanted to start and needed financial support. I sent him €5k (8M naira), but he didn’t appreciate it and even told me he read on the news that I earned 1 million euros every week, and he was expecting like €50k to start up this business. I was so m@d that I wanted to reverse the transaction, but I couldn’t.
That money, €5k, can only buy a pair of shoes in Europe, but in Nigeria, it’s a lot of money. Nobody sent me 1 dollar before I came to Europe. I hustled day and night and sold bottled water on the street. People should learn to appreciate whatever they get as gifts, not have this sense of entitlem€nt.”
Osimhen’s words remind us that ingratitude and entitlement not only dishonour the giver but also poison future opportunities. A grateful heart, however, paves the way for greater blessings and deeper relationships. Let’s choose gratitude, not entitlement, and watch how life rewards us.